Indiana Reunions

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Last Updated: 23 May 2006

2006 Reunions

The Myers Family Genealogical Reunion

July 29, 2006

Come One – Come All

Myers families or related family members are invited to a reunion of members of the Myers Clan on July 29, 2006 in Holton, Indiana.

This will be an all-day celebration of socializing, sharing family histories and concluding with an old fashion-potluck-carry-in type dinner at the Holton Community Center.  Arrival will be between 9:00 10.00a.m. and will end whenever the last person is tired of talking and ready to hit the road – or at least no later than 6:00p.m.

For those bringing their family charts, photographs, stories or other of family memberbilia this will be a great opportunity to fill in some blanks in your history and to share with others how you conduct your research. Above all, however, what a beautiful chance to meet and become acquainted with newly found cousins or other relatives.

The Myers Family Genealogical Reunion

July 29, 2006
The Holton Community Center, Holton, Indiana in Ripley County and
Is approximately 7 miles from downtown Versailles off Route 50. This facility will only
 accommodate a maximum of 200 people so get your reservation in early.

For complete details regarding the reunion together with an official registration form,
please visit the following web site:

We’ll look forward to seeing you on July 29, 2006

Norman Myers, Reunion Chairman

2005 Reunions
2004 Reunions

2003 Reunions
2003 MEREDITH and ALLIED Families
Family Reunion; Meredith, Retz, Sulteen, Dudley, Genrty, Rust, Craigo,
Mayes, Rees, Carlin.
When....Saturday, Sept. 13, 2003
Where.....At the SMITH Building in Memorial Park at New Castle, Henry Co.,
Time.....10:00 A. M. until 6:30 P.M.
Directions..... North of New Castle on State Road 3
Pitch-in style lunch.
Bring old photos, genealogy charts or things of interest to share.
Person of contact.....Delores Dudley Mayes

2002 Reunions


Hobart, Lake County Indiana

This reunion will be held on 3,4,5 July 2003 in Hobart, Lake County Indiana. Descendents of FLECK, GOTTLIEB, BEIRIGER and related families are invited to attend a picnic to be held 3 July. Those descendents of Anna Gottlieb before her marriage to Peter FLECK are also invited to attend.
Contact: Marlynn (Fleck) O'KEEFE at

Griffiths / Mahoney Reunion     
Held on June 27th until June 30th, 2004
in Spring Mill State Park, Indiana. Orange County
This reunion includes the Lanier, Garriott, Teague, Waller, Tazewell, and Warner families.
Contact: Carolyn and Charles Ewing in Zionville, IN at:

Submitted: June 1, 2002

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